Another Day of Preparation

The day started early with washing bedding and then going to the fuel pontoon to fill up for our upcoming voyage. We took on 110 litres of diesel at nearly €2 per litre, so not cheap.

Whilst on the pontoon, another yacht berthed up. English registered, but with a small Polish flag on its port side. I greeted them in Polish and in turned out they were a group from Poland, from town like Poznan and Warsaw. Nice to meet fellow countrymen.

We also saw The Queen Victoria, berthed up in Cagliari. We normally see her in Southampton Water, so a pleasant surprise and a reminder of home.

Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria in Cagliari.

Back to our pontoon and to the continued preparation. This included getting a cabin ready for Bill, tying the tender to the deck, and completing a huge shop of bottled water, tinned goods, pasta etc etc and off course wine and beer for those emergency moments.

We are so lucky to know Massimo, as he gave us a lift to and from the supermarket.

After unloading and packing away the good, Ed and I headed out for a pizza. We went to a very basic pizza restaurant “Pizzeria da Alessandro”, which we have been to before. The food is basic, but very good and two large pizza’s with wine and water and desert set us back 14€ per head. Lovely staff and very friendly.

More Arctura Preperations and Elaine’s farewell.

Divers arrived early to change the anode on Arctura. Just in time, as there was nothing left of the sacrificial metal.

After the anode change Elaine, Ed and myself walked into town for Elaine’s last day in Cagliari. After a couple of Campari’s we were met by Massimo and tried to get a table in La Schironada, but all was booked due to a public holiday “Liberation Day”. So we went to a local. Burger bar “Popla” for some wonderful Home made Hamburgers.

A Campari Chill Out
Farewell Elaine
A fond Farwell to Elaine at a Fantastic Hamburger ”Popla”

Massimo then kindly took us to the airport and we dropped Elaine of for her flight back to the Sunny U.K. ?⛈

The boys continued the day with a drive and visit to Poetto Beech.

Arba taking a swim ar Poetto Beech

First sail of the season on Arctura

After Elaines settling in period and visit to one of our favourite restaurants, the night before, in Cagliari, ” La Schironada”, we set sail.Our initial plan was to head for Poetto beach, but as we got out into the bay the wind looked promising for a 6 or 7 hour sail to Tuerredda.

We sailed for half the journey and motored the rest to get there before sunset, arriving and dropping anchor at 19:26.

The bay was calm with only one other yacht a anchor, a British couple.

Tuarredda Bay at sunset

Ed prepared a gorgeous seared Tuna accompanied with a delightful salad.

Ed & Elaine just about to eat a fantastic seared Tuna

The evening was completed with a glass of wine or two and gazing upwards into the wonderfully illuminated night sky and nature giving us the best show on earth with Venua, Jupiter and a half moon ? 

A Day in Cagliari

We spent the day relaxing in Cagliari and decided to go to one of the outdoor restaurants that only locals go to. This was comprised of outdoor plastic tables and chairs and a few gazebos. VERY BASIC. We followed the Sardinians lead and had Octopus salad, sea urchins, spaghetti vongole and fried squid, obviously accompanied by a house white wine. This was finished of with a coffee and a complimentary lemoncelo.. all for 23 Euros per head, but this included bread and 50cl of wine each. A bargain and not a single tourist in sight.

Sea Urchin
A look of apprehension prior to consumption

After some food shopping we headed back to Arctura for a well deserved siesta.

Our strenuous day was completed by yet another wonderful meal prepared by our very good friend Massimo. A spaghetti volgole followed by squid with finely chopped and fried artichoke.

The best Spaghetti Vongole in Sardinia
Squid with fried artichoke

A Picture is worth a Thousand Words

Well what can one say. Waking up in this wonderful location is paradice on earth.

Tuarredda is only 30 miles west of Cagliari and a wonderful stop. We’ve been here several times and have never been disappointed.

The Mavic Air Drone got its first real use. We fitted some safety floating aid, should the worst happen and the Drone was launched. After a few practice attempts at take offs and landings on a yacht under anchor and confidence boosted, we achieved our first fly pass. The end result was a fly around Arctura with fantastic film footage as you can see above. I think I’ll call the drone Piccolo, as its good luck to have a name for a vessel.

With fantastic memories we weighed anchor at 11:07 and set sail back to Cagliari, with Dolphins and Sea Turtles en route.

Arriving at 18:45 we were greeted by our friend Masssion and Arba.

The Start of the First Adventure of 2018 A MEDITERRANEAN ODYSSEY

An early start on the first day of the Mediterranean Odyssey. A journey start with A single step, and the first step was getting out of bed early and stepping out the door of my home in Esher. A brisk walk to Esher station and then onto Stansted Airport to catch the flight to Cagliari. Boat preparation and generator repairs await us upon arrival.


Esher Station on the first leg of our adventure.

Edward the Contortionist

After travelling with a 23.2 kg hold bag full of cylinder head and exhaust elbow it was time to repair the generator.

As always what starts as a 3 to 4 hour job soon becomes a 10 hour endurance run.

Trying to get one nut on took 3 hours as there was such limited access, but eventually the threads caught and by 20:00 we have the generator kick into life and ready to power up the most single important device on board. Elaine’s hair drier 🙂

Anyway, job done and on with the next.

Generator Repairs
Edward the Contortionist

Meeted and Greeted

Edward stepping on to EasyJet destination Cagliari

Arrival in Cagliari was one of pleasure and fond remembrance of this beautiful place.

We were greeted by our very good friends Massimo and off course Arba. After a fantastic drive through the city centre in a vintage Citroen it was time to settle down and unpack.

Meeted and Greeted
Massimo, Arba and Citroen awaited our arrival in Cagliari


It wasn’t long before Massimo picked us up from the marina and invited us to his home for a fantastic meal of spaghetti vongle followed by a amazing squid salad.

A Special Treat of Spaghetti Vongole
Squid Salad
A delightful Squid salad with spicy tomatoes
Arba at Home
Edward with Arba

The arrival of Bill

Today Bill joined us for our voyage of adventure which starts tomorrow.

After unpacking we took a stroll into town and our favourite restaurant “ La Schironada “. And what a fantastic time we had. Great food, Cuttle fish followed by Spaghetti Vongole. All served by some very pleasant Polish girls, Paulina and Maja.

Me, Bill and Ed enjoying the food and wine of Sardinia
Ed, myself and the very pleasant Paulina who served us

After a siesta, we walked the 3.5 kilometres to Massimo and Marta’s flat for a truly fantastic meal of black rice salad starter, followed by the most amazing Sea Bream EVER. A great end to a wonderful first week in Cagliari.

Marta, Massimo, Ed, myself and off course Arba
Massimo, Bill me and Ed and Arba