Another Day of Preparation

The day started early with washing bedding and then going to the fuel pontoon to fill up for our upcoming voyage. We took on 110 litres of diesel at nearly €2 per litre, so not cheap.

Whilst on the pontoon, another yacht berthed up. English registered, but with a small Polish flag on its port side. I greeted them in Polish and in turned out they were a group from Poland, from town like Poznan and Warsaw. Nice to meet fellow countrymen.

We also saw The Queen Victoria, berthed up in Cagliari. We normally see her in Southampton Water, so a pleasant surprise and a reminder of home.

Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria in Cagliari.

Back to our pontoon and to the continued preparation. This included getting a cabin ready for Bill, tying the tender to the deck, and completing a huge shop of bottled water, tinned goods, pasta etc etc and off course wine and beer for those emergency moments.

We are so lucky to know Massimo, as he gave us a lift to and from the supermarket.

After unloading and packing away the good, Ed and I headed out for a pizza. We went to a very basic pizza restaurant “Pizzeria da Alessandro”, which we have been to before. The food is basic, but very good and two large pizza’s with wine and water and desert set us back 14€ per head. Lovely staff and very friendly.