A quick tour of Sicily

Today we decided to hire a rental car and take a trip to Etna and Taormina.

The office staff at Capo d’Orlando were fantastic, especially Laura. We asked for a hire car and within 20 minutes she had it delivered to the marina and we set off on our journey. We had to stop off in town at the car hire company to fill in the paperwork and pay. We drew lots for who wou;ld drive and Bill became our driver for the day. I car was grossly uder powered as we soon found out. The GoogleMaps application took us the scenic route, which off course ment cross country and for roads not fit for cattle let alone a car. Indeed some slopes were difficult to ascend, with the wheels spinning for grip. But we mad it. Arrival at Etna was disappointing for two reasons. Firstly it was raining and visibility was poor and secondly, in my point of view, it is very commercialised and not at all like a heritage site. Nonetheless, we had a bit to eat and the set off in a car back down the slopes, which was considerably easier than the climb up, much to Bill’s relief.

The rain had cleared somewhat, and we managed to get some great shoots of the clouds below and the decimated landscape.

Our hire car with Ed and Bill. Bill looking anxious about the next slope.
Rough terrain and decimated landscape from previous eruptions.


We then set off for Taormina, a suggestion of Elaine, Ed’s wife, who texted us that this was a place to visit, and indeed it was.

A fantastic and beautiful town, full of life and culture, beauty and off course thousands of tourists. Wonderful views and spoilt for choice for resturants, bars, shops and churches. Photos below hopefully show its beauty.




We left Vulcano weighing anchor at 12:00 and sailed the 4 miles to Lipari. Our home for the night was Porto Pignataro. A very pleasant small marina, with very friendly staff. The facilities here a clean and functional with a pleasant caring environment.

The walk into town is 15 minutes, along a costal road. The town centre is full of tourist, even at the beginning of May. Lipari, seems to be the main setting off point for tourists visiting the other islands. The ferry traffic is enormous and the ports crowed with people setting of with their hiking gear to the island of Stromboli.

Porto Pignataro- our home for the night
A view on our walk from the marina and into town



Bill passage planning, with the help of a beer

Arrivederci Bill

Bill’s last day was visiting Pompeii, Palermo. Palermo is a busy city, full of wall to wall tourists and the usual tourist shops. Not my cup of tea.

In the evening  we went for a meal in a fantastic fish resturant called Portovecchio, literally 300 metres from the marina. A great fish and pizza resturant which we have been to before, but this time we all decided on fish or Steak. A farewell to Bill, who has to return tomorrow morning. A great sailor and fantastic company. Bon Voyage Bill.


Edward, contemplating his starter.
Fantastic Octopus salad
Is it Anderdeen Angus ?


How do they get the Octopus so tender?

Up Pompeii

On Sunday we venture out to Vesuvius and Pompeii. It’s my second visit to Pompeii and it’s more wonderful and intriguing each time I visit. It’s unbelievable how wonderfully preserved this ancient city is and how devastating it must have been for it inhabitants. You can actually imagine how wonderful life for the romans who lived here must have been, with play and education areas, shops, saunas, baths, theatres and Gladiator games. I could spend hours walking this massive ancient city and will want to visit again some day.
