Northward bound

I managed to get up for the sunrise which although was at 0600 it only appeared over the terrain of Carbonara Bay at 0614 and was caught on camera.

Sunrise at Carbonara Bay

After a breakfast on honey dew melon,bananas, fresh bread and jam we all dived into the crystal clear waters for a swim and splashing fun. Alex was like a fish in water and we couldn’t get him out, he found it that enjoyable, jumping in one time after another and exploring the sea bed and sea life through his goggles.

Fun at anchor at Carbonara Bay

At 1100 we eventually set sail in a brisk wind of 14 kts and set sails and sailed out of the bay. Rounding Capo Carbonara, we set a northerly course with the wind almost behind us, but allowing us to sail almost all the way, to our unknown destination, which proved to be Cala Murtas. I was here two year ago, with Edward and Paul, when we were shooed away by a military vessel performing parachute aerial drops of either equipment or test weaponry. I would have never have thought then, that I would visit this again, let alone anchor in this open bay. That said, it is exactly what we have done and also set a ketch anchor, that set our bow into the swell and made for an extremely comfortable nigh, with not the slightest movement. Recovery, will prove interesting.

More swimming, with almost 2 hours in the sea and also Alex, Arba and me, venturing to the beach on the tender and having fun the the water playing water polo. Eventually we headed back for Arya, another swim and then relaxing before a wonderful Pasta Bolognese, of which Alex had three portions.

And so the end of another day at sea, so far, marina costs have been zero and our only expenses are food and a tiny bit of fuel.

Marta, Massimo and Alex under sail
Sunset with Marta, Massimo, Alex and of course Arba

Out of Port and onto anchor

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Well this was certainly our case. We were meant to leave at 1700, but due to the usual unforeseen circumstances and last minute glitches we finally slipped lines at 1919. Still we have departed upon our voyage of discovery. Our objective is to get as far north as possible, perhaps Bonifacio, and then wend our way back to Cagliari.

Setting sail out of the intense heat of the marina, 36 degrees, we headed out in to a cooler environment of open water, with a delightful and gentle sea breeze. This was enough to allow us to sail for the first 10 nm, at which time the wind dropped to below 3 knts and we motored the remainder.

Father and son – at the exit of Cagliari harbour

The conditions on route were perfect, and pulling 4 kts over the calmest of sea was beauty in the making. Alex was in heaven and in his new found element.

Watching the sunset over Caglairi and the western hills of Sardinia was like a dream unfolding. Alex commented how quickly the sun disappeared, and its true, one doesn’t realise how quickly our little earth is moving, until you have a reference point, such as the sun on the horizon.

Alex and sun set at 2047
Sunset one minute later

Night fell and we were rewarded with another miracle of the stars in the heavens. Thousands upon thousands of visible stars appeared and the Milky Way was clearly visible, together with Jupiter and Saturn. We all laid on the fore deck, admiring this free show and spectacle and I for one wondered upon its creation. To top it all we saw a few shooting stars upon the backdrop of the heavens.

You could see the delight in Alex’s eyes as he too pondered these wonders and new experiences filling his mind, hopefully forever. He was in awe and said that this was the best experience ever and would want to stay on yachts and sail the seas. By the way, his now preferred Country has changed for England to Italy.

Before Alex and Marta retired we were serverd a wonderful dinner, of tomatoes spaghetti, under the carpet of the stars, by Massimo. And as a finali, I showed Alex the illuminations of plankton and phosphorescent sea life, creating its own lit Universe, in the sea below.

So with half the crew below and asleep, Massimo and I pressed on for the last hour to anchor in the beautiful bay of Carbonarra, minding out for the other 20 or so yachts that were to be our neighbours for the night. Finally dropping the hook at 0021, we put Arya to rest and then ourselves. An Amazing first day, with a Father proudly looking at his son and the joy and happiness in Alex’s eyes and soul.