Portsmouth with Uncle Ed

12th of July 2019

After much tooing and froing on Friday night, it was finally decided between Ed, Alex and myself to make a trip to Portsmouth. Checking tides and tidal flows, we needed to be in Southampton for an early start. High water on Saturday morning is 1010, and being on my new berth, in Quayside which dries, means we are very much gouverned by the tides. Plus side is it’s cheap.

13th of July 2019

Alex and I set off at 0800 and on our way down stopped for Alex’s customary Mcdonalds breakfast, double sausage and egg Mcmuffin, without the egg. Also, on route I managed to get us booked into Gunwharf Quays marina, Portsmouth side. Slightly more expensive than Hazlar, but by the time you add ferry crossings from Gosport, works out a lot cheaper.

What’s happened to the ensign ?
Alex at the helm, navigating into Portsmouth

Although the forecast from Predict Wind, suggested no or minimal winds, we had more than enough to sail all the way to Portsmouth. Putting a preventer on, made our journey safe and confortable and enabled us to goose wing most the way. The entrance into Portsmouth is always spectaclur, especially on a fantastically sunny day. Alex guided Yaga skillfully to Balast Buoy, where we asked QHM for permission to cross to Gunwharf Quays.

We called the marina and were eventually placed in a tight spot on C pontoon. Being blown off, I guided Yaga’s bow towrads the pontoon, turning at the last minute to bring midships and stern into the pontoon, allowing Ed to gently step of and tie her up. No stress, no pressure and we were safely in and moored up by 1430. 3 hours door to door.

Ed, getting ready to step off at Gunwharf Quays

Spot Yaga

Within minutes we were sitting in one of the hundred of resturants of Portsmouth. We choose Bella Italian as Alex wanted a Spag Bols and Ed and I settled for a delicious Pizza. After lunch we headed back to Yaga. Ed settled for a siesta, whislt Alex and I went by bike and Foot scooter to the sea front and funfair.

Alex at the funfair

We opted for a open ticket, which allowed s as many rides as we wanted from 1800 to 2100. After two hours of fun at the fair, we headed back to Yaga and walked through old Portsmouth and planned to go for dinner to “The Bridge Pub” for fish and chips. Luckly, I called them to confirm they were still opened, and unfortunately they were just closing for food. So we headed for option two, The Wellington, which Alex and I had passed earlier. They were serving Thai curries, which we all enjoyed. The food was great and only surpassed by the freindly staff and service.

The day was completed, by a plesant walk back along the seafront and through Old Portsmouth, with moon and stars and harbour lights glittering and relecting in the sea