Return from Portsmouth

As I mentioned before, being at my new home of Quay Side, means that one has to take tides into account more than usual. High water in Southampton is 1110, so we not only have to plan our journey back to go with the tidal flow, but also make sure we have enough water to get into our berth. So we either leave early or late afternoon. We opted for an early start and slipped lines at around 0845.

Successful mackerel fishing, this ones lucky day as it was returned to the sea. Not that you can tell from its expression

Initially, there was nearly enough wind, but we sailed anyway and it did pick up. Although the last hour or so we went under engine as we were being headed.

Fishing along the way resulted in two small mackerel, which were both released.

Queen Mary 2, at the entrance to the River Itchen

We arrived at our berth at 1230 and after a tidy up and a wash down, headed for Banana Wharf for lunch. Alex hasn’t been here for a while and neither has Ed, but we were remembered by the manager Craig, and warmly greeted. Ed, very kindly picked up the tab and after lunch we all headed in our own directions for land based homes.

The view from our table at Banana Wharf, Southampton

Great weekend , many thanks to Uncle Ed for sharing his time and company with us.