A Visitor from Devon

17th of July 2019

So the day has come for the visit of our long lost cousin Krystyna, who very kindly caught the train up from Devon to visit with us. Alex and I set off to Paddington to meet her.

Her train was due to arrive at 1117 and as usual we were at the station earlier and Alex headed straight to McDonalds for a light breakfast snack. Off course we had to meet Paddington Bear.

After meeting Krystyna we headed for the Bakerloo line to get to Waterloo and drop her bags off, but for whatever reason the Bakerloo line was closed and so we caught a London cab and made our way through extensive traffic to Waterloo. I remembered times, when Krystyna Mum, my Aunty, used to take me on cab rides and allowed me to hail cabs, that’s probably why I love them so. We eventually arrived at Waterloo and promptly dropped off Krystyna’s luggage and then made our way to South Kensington.

Alex and I made up a story that I had a client lunch that afternoon and when I would be finished would be free for the remainder of the day, to entertain our guest. However as we walked up Exhibition Road we sprang our surprise and walked into Ognisko, a Polish restaurant where we had pre booked a table on the terrace. Ognisko, which has been here since 1940, was originally ” THE POLISH HEARTH CLUB” , inaugurated by HRH The Duke of Kent, and his family continue to support it to this date. It’s a splendid, embassy styled building.

Krystyna, Alex and I, at the terrace in Ognisko restaurant

A view from one of the balconies of Ognisko, with Imperial College and The Science Museum in the background

After a splendid lunch we walked up Exhibition Road and the turned east along Cromwell road and into the amazing Brompton Oratory. Krystyna, had visited here a year ago with my dear Mother, and now we were here again, but this time with Alex.

It was here that I was Christened, 59 years ago, being held in the arms of my Godmother, Krysia, my aunt and Krystyna’s mother. Who would have thought we would all be reunited and in this most beautiful of places.

Me with my GodMoather, Krysia, in 1960
My Father, Mother and I, on the steps of Brompton Oratory 1960
Krysia, my Godmother, holding me and my Godfather to the right
Lighting candles of remembrance for Krysia, Mother and Godmother

Krystyna explaining how a statue that has been polished by passers by touching.
Lighting candles for Grandad and Grandma Wasilkowski

After a very emotional visit and walk through Brompton Oratory, it was time to move on and a we exited the Oratory. We immediately hailed a cab and in the sprit Krysia’s memory headed for Hamleys Toy store. This was the place that I had been taken to by my Godmother and in keeping with tradition I had to take Alex there and also Krysia’s daughter Krystyna.

Alex pointing out some sights to Krystyna on the way to Hamleys

And finally at Hamleys, much to Alex’s delight

So the day drew to a close, and with much accomplished and hearts and souls filled with memories of past and present, it was time to head home.

Waiting for the tube and back to Waterloo
On the train back to Esher and with liquid refreshment on the way