Sardinia October 2019

A busy busy day on Sunday. Waking at 0300 and driving to Luton for an early morning flight to Gdansk to return Alex to Poland after his brief visit for a hospital appointment. I returned the same day arriving back at Luton at 2100 and a quick drive back to Esher to unpack and pack again for another early morning flight to Sardinia the following day.

The Alps
The Coast of Corsica
Sardinia – Capo Boi and Solanas Beach

The BA flight was on time and with a 160 mph tail wind which meant that we landed a full half hour early. Ed came to the airport by train to welcome me and we took a taxi back to Marina Sant Elmo.

A quick un packing and by 1330 we were in the Club Sportif for lunch. Wonderful to be back and be able to relax and unwind


After a spot of breakfast we weighed anchor and set sail for our next destination of CarloForte, some 34 miles away. We were no sooner out of the anchorage where we set our sails and were wizzing along the coast to our new destination.

We had two bites of our fishing lure, but each time, whatever it was, manage to get away. At over 7 kts, the boat speed was too fast. However, the third time, we struck luck, and managed to slow Arctura down enough to retrieve our evening meal, a splendid Tuna.

The proud fisherman

We arrived at CarloForte at 1600 having sailed the entire way. We stayed in our usual marina “Sifredi” against the rear wall next to the new marina office, €28.50 per night, bargain.

The galloping gourmet
Wonderful fresh tuna