
Ever since buying Seraphim, I have had contact with Paul,the previous, previous owner of Seraphim, then called Liberte. Since October 2020, he has been the font of valuable information, not only about Seraphim, but Ovni,s in general.

Almost, from the beginning of out telephone relationship, we had planned to meet and as so we arranged to meet at Universal marina on the 14th of July and sail together for a few days. Thinking about the date it couldn’t have been more appropriate, being Bastille Day and Seraphim being previously being named Liberte.

Alex and I arrived at Universal that afternoon and met Paul. Our plan was to go for a meal to to the newly opened restaurant at Universal, Astors, but even though booking a table on line a few days earlier, found that it was closed, for reasons unknown. Alex immediately suggested Banana Wharf and Paul very kindly drove us the 5 miles to Ocean Village, for a fantastic meal and pre sail briefing.Paul and I decided on a early morning starts to catch the wind and tide to Poole.

We slipped lines at 0440, on the morning of the 15th of July. The early morning start was rewarded with tranquil waters, fair winds and a glorious sunrise.

We motored out through the river Hamble and into Southampton Water. Within no time at all, we had raised our sails and were experiencing the idyllic sound of wind and waves as we made our way Westwards through the Solent. We were joined by other early morning risers, such as Britannia and ,in my opinion, the most graceful of all , The Queen Mary II.