More Sea Trials

More sea trails today, this this in 20kts of wind and slightly more challenging conditions. Putting one reef in was a different than that on Yaga, with everything having to be done at the mast.

The procedure was to loosen the kicker then go to the mast and put the cringle for the reef onto the horn.Loosen the lazy jacks, then back to the cockpit and raise the main. Back to the mast and tighten the reef. Quite a lot of toing and froing. I’ll see how this all pans out and may change the reefing system if it proves too difficult in rougher conditions.

Ed and I sailed up Southampton Water as far a Town Quays marina, where we had both kept our yachts many years ago. Passing many cruise ships we thought about pre COVID times where the area was a hive of activity. Hopefully, with a vaccine in sight, prosperity and activity will once again return.

Queen Mary II in her dock, where once Titanic berthed.
Cargo vessel with Azura in the background