Mid Mediterranean

0730, wind has obviously died down, as I was awoken by the start of the engine, just in time for my next watch at 0800. Coming up to wonderful sunshine and a calm but rolly sea. It was nice to have the suns rays on me again and the warmth permeated my clothing. Alex joined me at 0835, full of joy and happiness one can only get at sea, or is it because he’s with Daddy, perhaps both.

Sunrise mid Mediterranean

Scrambled eggs with pancetta were the order of the day, requested by his Lordship, Master Alex. A wonderful breakfast, served with fresh coffee, on deck and in glorious sunshine, was the start to our second day at sea. It’s the most wonderful feeling waking up and being at sea, miles away from the hustle and bustle, no internet, no phone signal, just three men and a dog.

Joyful Alex with apple
Me explaining something our another

We were alternating between engine and sail as the wind died down in belts of 15 minutes, and the picked up again for an hour. It was in this 15 minute lull that the engine splutters and eventually died. Not to worry, our captain and fantastic mechanic, soon Thad the issue resolved. A blocked fuel filter. Once cleaned the engine purred into life again, but by then the ind had picked up and so off it went again, this time intentionally.

Alex was in seventh heaven, not one murmur about not having internet access. Simply enjoying the new world he had discovered. Exploring the boat, trimming sails, looking out, he was a true, participating member of the crew.

We hogged too at 1345 for a lunch of steak and potatoes, kindly prepared by Massimo. It was amazing eating in the warmth of the midday sun, with not a soul in sight, except for those on board.

As we made way again, we were rewarded with our first visit of a pod of dolphins. Alex had spotted them and shouted down to the rest of the crew. We watched them play with the bow wave and they stayed with us for 10 minutes, before darting off and continuing their journey.

A visit at sea from lour friendly dolphins

I went below for a kip for an hour or so and on my return discovered that Alex had another two visits from dolphins, one of which was twenty strong and with a infant. He also averted a potential disaster, by spotting a large lobster pot, directly on our route and only avoided by quick action from Alex and then Massimo. What it was doing in 800 metres of water, God only knows, perhaps it had become adrift, by another poor vessel cutting its line. I wasn’t privy to all this, so can only speculate.

Alex and Arba on watch
Sunset, on our second day at sea

One thought on “Mid Mediterranean

  1. Krystyna Bracey

    What a lucky lad Alex is – I would love to have seen dolphins close like that. All wonderful memories that Alex will keep in his mind forever. Keep doing what you do best, Richard, sailing those beautiful waters.

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