A Day in Cagliari

We spent the day relaxing in Cagliari and decided to go to one of the outdoor restaurants that only locals go to. This was comprised of outdoor plastic tables and chairs and a few gazebos. VERY BASIC. We followed the Sardinians lead and had Octopus salad, sea urchins, spaghetti vongole and fried squid, obviously accompanied by a house white wine. This was finished of with a coffee and a complimentary lemoncelo.. all for 23 Euros per head, but this included bread and 50cl of wine each. A bargain and not a single tourist in sight.

Sea Urchin
A look of apprehension prior to consumption

After some food shopping we headed back to Arctura for a well deserved siesta.

Our strenuous day was completed by yet another wonderful meal prepared by our very good friend Massimo. A spaghetti volgole followed by squid with finely chopped and fried artichoke.

The best Spaghetti Vongole in Sardinia
Squid with fried artichoke

One thought on “A Day in Cagliari

  1. Krystyna Bracey

    Mmm – I think maybe I would just settle for the cannelloni!! Not to sure that I find the look of sea urchins appetising! But each to their own. The wine will have gone down well. Have fun, love Krystyna xx

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