A Journey’s End

Each journey must come to and end and this one has drawn to a close. Although are final destination was meant to be Cagliari, due to other commitments and unsettled weather we complete our journey in Palermo. Massimo will continue the journey to Cagliari when weather permits. Even so, we did well on our voyage which started on the 31st of March and ended with our arrival in Palermo on the 8th of April.

A wonderful experience of sailing, visiting new places, culinary delights and above all friendship. Another set of memories stored and never to be forgotten adding to the wealth of ones I already have. Thank you to all the crew and Capitano Massimo, who made it possible and a really relaxed and safe passage.


Capitano Massimo
First Mate Marta
Our Chef Stefano
Instructor Ricardo
The Real Boss Arba

8 days of sailing and 521 nautical miles, here is a brief synopsis of our trip and places visited

31st of March – Start of voyage from Vieste

2nd of April – First port of call to stretch legs and refuel – Santa Maria de Leuca

3rd of April – Milazzo

4th of April – Vulcano

5th April – Lipari

7th April – Salina

7th April – Filicudi

8th April – Palermo

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