Another day another anchorage

So the first jobs of then day was coffee, breakfast followed quickly by kedge anchor recovery. This was carried out by deploying the tender, with Massimo on board, and literally pulling the anchor out, which would have been o.k. If it wasn’t lodge under the only rock in the vicinity. Still job done and an exhausted, but jubilant Massimo returns to Arya.

So we weighed anchor at 1020 and headed north, this time under engine, as promised wind did not show. about an hour into the trip, Massimo’s eye caught sight of a beach and so after a brief consultation with the crew and also because there was no wind we all decided to head for it and anchor.

We arrived into even more beautiful turquoise waters and anchored in 4 metres and .2 nms off shore. There was no delay, we all immediately dived into the crystal clear waters and swam for about 40 minutes before having the idea to swim the 300 metres to the beach. So Massimo, Alex and myself, headed for the beach and we all arrived safely. Massimo commented

How brave Alex was and after a brief rest we headed back to Arya, which seemed longer than coming to the beach, I think thats always the case, plus we were swimming against a light current and wind. No sooner were we back on Arya, we all decided to head back for the beach, this time with Arba and also to provision with a few things we had forgotten to buy. So I was designated as being in charge of the tender and Arba, whilst Massimo, Marta and Alex swan, but this time with flippers, which Alex really enjoyed. He commented how much easier it was and he is really a sea boy. This is probably due to all the hard work, and pleasure, that i put in, from when he was 2 months old and we went swimming everyday, until he was forcibly removed to Poland, where he does no swimming what so ever?.

After provisioniong and an ice cream on shore, we headed back. I rowed back due to outboard not starting, whislt the others swam. So Alex covered 1.2 kms by swim power?.

Back on board and yet another sunset, this time with ever more spectacular views of the high mountains in land, dawned with exceptional colours. In my opion, being here is better than the Madalena’s. Great scenary with high backdrops as opposed to low lying islands. That said, you must have very settled weather to anchor here, but thats also true of some parts of Madelena.

Eveving completed with another fine pasta dish and beddy byes. we will sleep like lords after a feast.

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