
We left Liscia our anchorage and home of two days and set sail for Bonifacio. We left at 08:35 and set sails immediately and had a fantastic run, reaching Bonifacio at 12:45 and in one tack. There was no one to help us moor up as they seemed rather busy and so we did the job ourselves, loosing a boat hook in the process. Our first job was to clean and refilled Arctura, our faithful vessel and home and then off for lunch. The contrast of French Corsica and Italy it quite startling, with different foods,  atmosphere, mannerism, culture and off course language. We had lunch and Ed went back to Arctura for a rest whilst I ventured into town.

A steep walk up to the old walled city was not the easiest, but was definitely worth the effort. Quaint, narrow allies and cobbled streets, full of resturants and shops and locals playing pétanque.

Our marina
Narrow streets of Bonifacio


A view from the top of the city
The walled city as view from Arctura

I then can across a pay booth that charge €3 for access to the “King of Aragon Steps”. A steep walk down from the top of the walled city to practically sea level, The walk down was great, but i knew the walk back up would be difficult and it certainly was and I would say not for everyone. The walk along the steps and the views are spectacular, to say the least.

The King of Aragon’s steps
The view from the bottom of the steps
The view from the bottom of the steps

Once back at the top and I headed for the nearest bar for a well deserved beers and the a pleasant walk back to the marina. The marina is full of life with many visitors chattering yachts and plenty of sea schools teaching teenagers sailing and morning skills. Lovely to see kids without iPhones or iPads, sitting on deck, having a Lucy break with their colleagues and discussing their days events with smiles and laughter.

The marina at night is quite busy, with restaurants overflowing, even at this time of year, and music playing into the early hours of the morning. Not a quite place ?

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