Northward bound

I managed to get up for the sunrise which although was at 0600 it only appeared over the terrain of Carbonara Bay at 0614 and was caught on camera.

Sunrise at Carbonara Bay

After a breakfast on honey dew melon,bananas, fresh bread and jam we all dived into the crystal clear waters for a swim and splashing fun. Alex was like a fish in water and we couldn’t get him out, he found it that enjoyable, jumping in one time after another and exploring the sea bed and sea life through his goggles.

Fun at anchor at Carbonara Bay

At 1100 we eventually set sail in a brisk wind of 14 kts and set sails and sailed out of the bay. Rounding Capo Carbonara, we set a northerly course with the wind almost behind us, but allowing us to sail almost all the way, to our unknown destination, which proved to be Cala Murtas. I was here two year ago, with Edward and Paul, when we were shooed away by a military vessel performing parachute aerial drops of either equipment or test weaponry. I would have never have thought then, that I would visit this again, let alone anchor in this open bay. That said, it is exactly what we have done and also set a ketch anchor, that set our bow into the swell and made for an extremely comfortable nigh, with not the slightest movement. Recovery, will prove interesting.

More swimming, with almost 2 hours in the sea and also Alex, Arba and me, venturing to the beach on the tender and having fun the the water playing water polo. Eventually we headed back for Arya, another swim and then relaxing before a wonderful Pasta Bolognese, of which Alex had three portions.

And so the end of another day at sea, so far, marina costs have been zero and our only expenses are food and a tiny bit of fuel.

Marta, Massimo and Alex under sail
Sunset with Marta, Massimo, Alex and of course Arba

Lazy Dayz

There is something special about sleeping on a yacht, even in a marina. Both Alex and I slept soundly and woke up to glorious sunshine and totally relaxed.

Lazy days

A Lazy start and by the time we fully awoke it was just about time for lunch. We headed for our usual Aquila restaurant and had a relaxing 2 hour lunch, sitting outside, in a light breeze, but with temperatures hitting 34 degrees.

Lunch at Aquila

A quick siesta and then Michal offered to drive us to Poetto beach. Michal, is a Polish chap who has his power boat in the same marina, Sant Elmo. A lovely chap, married to a French Canadian, and inviting in Canada. He has interesting stories, about escapes from Poland in the 50’s / 60’s. Anyway more on that later.

Another fun swim on the beach and then bussing it back to Sant Elmo.

Poetto Beach

Time to do some work,. We had to fill the diesel tanks and put up the repaired genoa.

Massimo did the rabbit run of filling portable diesel containers from the local car petrol station and driving them back to the marina and trolleyed onto Aria. It seem crazy to do this, but the price on the local fuel pontoon is €2.00 per ltr and the fuel from the petrol station is €1.50. So filling up 200 ltrs this way saves us €100. So worth the effort and in reality, by the time you get the yacht ready for the trip to the local fuel pontoon and get there, fuel and come back, takes an hour also.

We then headed to the Rari Nantes swimming pool restaurant and treated Massimo and Marta to a meal of Steaks and pizza, Alex had a steak off coarse, as did Massimo.

Rari Nantes
Rari Nantes with the Massimo’s

Sardinia here we come

So, another early morning start, but today was exceptionally early, with the Taxi from “Road Runners”, turning up nearly an hour early at 0424. Oh well he had to wait whilst Alex got up.

So off to Gatwick South Terminal and onto B.A. electronic check in, which went so smoothly and without event. Past security and headed for a wonderful breakfast at “Wondertree”. Fantastic scrambled eggs with smoked salmon for me and beans on toast for Alex.

Alex, none to happy with the early morning start

We arrived in Cagliari airport bang on time and after switch passing through passport control and getting our bag, we walked out into the airport arrivals to the warmest of greetings from Marta and Arba. Alex took to them both immediately and after a short drive, we were on our new home of the yacht Aria.

Marta and Arba had to leave us, as Marta had some work to do. So Alex and I almost immediately went to the Aquila club/restaurant, for a great horse steak for Alex and the lunch menu for me. A starter, two mains, two desert, 1 litre of sparkling water and a soft drink all for €23.50

Sustenance after the long journey

Sorry uncle Ed, I sank your yacht, thanks for the invite…

It’s a hard life, but someone has to do it

After lunch we went back to Aria for a siesta, only being awoken by a visit from Massimo and then to the bar for some light refreshing drinks.

Alex and I then decided to take the bus (PF or PQ ) to Poetto beach. I bus can almost immediately and after 15 minutes we were on the sandy beach of Poetto and in the clear and warm waters. Medium sized rollers made a play in these fantastic water even more special and Alex was in his element and a million miles away from Polakoland. The bus ride back was just as easy and we returned just in time to have a shower in the marina facilities, thus not brining collected sand onto yacht, and for the arrival of Massimo and a welcome to his and Marta’s home and a fine meal of Spaghetti Bolognese. Massimo went out of his way to make this especially for AlexThe evening ended with the usual visit to the ice cream parlour and great view from the summit square overlooking Cagliari. A great first day and one that Alex and I will remember always….

Together, with the best of friends. A special meal of spaghetti Bolognese, made with love for Alex