East coast of Sardinia

Well the wind has certainly picked up, 25 kts to be precise. But we’re not in a hurry and decided to deploy the smaller Genoa. Even with this sail pattern we are sailing between 5.5 and 6.5 kts. The waves and wind are from behind us, the south, and probably about 1 to 1.5 metres in height.

Came across an approaching Passenger ferry, heading for Cagliari, as we are the stand on vessel, I gave them a call on channel 16 and informed him of our intentions. He very politely replied and turned to starboard, giving us a wide berth.

Nothing much else to report as we sail north. Edward prepared a great lunch of aniseed sausages, salad and potatoes. Extremely delicious. Edward went down for a nap and now it’s my turn. It’s 1400 and we’ve been at sea for 24 hours and covered 114 nm.


Our predict wind model predicted high winds, but not as high as this. 40 kt winds and 2 to 3 metre waves. Not very pleasant and some of the waves tower above us as we sit or even stand in the cockpit. The usual discussion ensures about whether to divert or not. If we set a course to Olbia, then we would have to gybe and the wind and waves would be more on our beam, which is not good. Our present course seems safe and the wind is predicted to calm down by 2100 tonight.

In the midst of all this we had a huge bite on our fishing line and found it impossible to stop the line reeling out. Eventually it stopped, but only because whatever was on there got away, together with the lure.


There was a moment there when I thought the wind was diminishing, but no, it’s piped up again to 35 plus kts. Another hour to go and we will see if it a baits as promised. Let’s hope so, I don’t think Ed I’ll manage another 22 hours of this. The sun is rapidly setting in the west, let’s see what the evening brings.


My watch started at midnight and due to the rolling and often sharp, jerky movement of Arctura, I didn’t get much sleep. Coming on deck, I could feel the 2 to 3 metre waves pound Arctura from her starboard aft. Pitching her left and then right. Not a very pleasant movement and whilst bearable on deck, amplified ten fold below. Anyway we’re sailing, the wind is still southerly between 24 and 35 kts and we are getting closer to Elba at a rate of 6 kts. Distance to go around 84 nms.

No other vessels in our vicinity, at least not within 12 miles. Spotting a vessel at 12 miles gives us approximately 20 to 30 minutes before she is upon us and we will see a big tanker, well before she she’s us, if at all. So a sharp visual lookout and AIS and radar is essential. Well, that’s why we have a watch system.


By the time I got onto my 6 o’clock watch the wind had calmed somewhat to just under 20 kts. Normally 20kts would be touch and go weather back in the Solent, but after a night of 35 kts plus winds, 20 kts feels like a sea breeze. The sea has also calmed a little and at lest the 2 to 3 metre waves have gone, but replaced with a choppy sea. But hey, this is luxury. We are 12 miles south of the island of Monte Christo. Apparently, an island keeper and his wife are the only inhabitants and visitors only welcomed with a professional guide. 50 odd miles to run to the welcoming ams of Elba.


Amazingly, the wind drop to nothing and on goes the iron maiden, for the first time in 212 miles. Not a bad run under sail alone.


As we motored up towards Isola Di MonteCristo we were greeted by a pod of dolphins. They played wonderfully in Arctura‘s bow wave and as we greeted then with a chorus of hellos, they turned as if to return the greeting. I’m positive they can hear us, as each time we sang hello, they turned to show their eyes and white under-half.

We’ve now set our final course, for the eastern edge of Elba and we will hopefully find a space in Portoferraio.

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