First sail of the season on Arctura

After Elaines settling in period and visit to one of our favourite restaurants, the night before, in Cagliari, ” La Schironada”, we set sail.Our initial plan was to head for Poetto beach, but as we got out into the bay the wind looked promising for a 6 or 7 hour sail to Tuerredda.

We sailed for half the journey and motored the rest to get there before sunset, arriving and dropping anchor at 19:26.

The bay was calm with only one other yacht a anchor, a British couple.

Tuarredda Bay at sunset

Ed prepared a gorgeous seared Tuna accompanied with a delightful salad.

Ed & Elaine just about to eat a fantastic seared Tuna

The evening was completed with a glass of wine or two and gazing upwards into the wonderfully illuminated night sky and nature giving us the best show on earth with Venua, Jupiter and a half moon ? 

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