Honolee Launch

Another early start, as I promised Warren a hand with the re launch of his yacht, Honolee. I left home at 0540 and with a stop for fuel and breakfast arrived at Keyhaven just before 0800, for an 0830 launch, we were to be the first launch of the day. Needless to say, West Solent Boat Builders, were working to their schedule and not that of their customers. They had a small lifting keel yacht in their sling, trying to free a jammed keel with a sledge hammer. So we had a coffee and Keyhaven Sailing Club.

We were eventually launched at 0940and after the usual engine check and re fitting of lazy jacks were on our way and winding our way through the small, unmarked channel and towards the Solent.

Honolee, pre launch
I view fro Keyhaven Yacht Club, looking south towards the Solent
A quick hello from a local friend
In she goes, with Warren looking on in anticipation
On our way, with Keyhaven in the distance
The U.K. buoyed channel, with a string of yachts marking the way
Hurst Castle, partially collapsed and being re built
The spit at the entrance/exit
The Lymington ferry, leaving for the IOW
Me, preparing mooring lines
A perfect entry
And we’re in. Me stepping off
Lymington Town Sailing Club, where Warren is a member and where we booked our lunch stop.
1230. Our outside dinning area. Where we had a wonderful lunch of Chowder, smocked haddock on a bed of potatoes and spinach and apple crumble off course, downed with a nice bitter. Thank you Warren.

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