Today started by taking my new iPad back to The Apple Bentals Centre for a refund as I don’t really need it as I had my old one fixed. Then Eden Walk car park was empty as was the whole of Kingston, due to the second COVID lockdown, which began two weeks ago. The process was jock and painless.
Then, a trip down the A3 to Seraphim to install the iSocket, which is a plug that you can access and control via 3G. All went well and a successful install and I’m now able to control the heater and dehumidifier remote.
Whilst on Seraphim I vacuumed out the fore and central cabin bilges. Centre bilges had about 1/3rd of a bowl of salt water and I couldn’t see and obvious leaks.Relaxed a bit with a coffee and omelette with pancetta, yellow pepper and chilli. I’ll order smaller plastic storage boxes for tools and useful bits and bobs. Left at just after 1500 for Esher.
Will try these and see how good they are