Maddlena Islands

The usual pre departure checks and jobs, but this time we had to stock up on provisions for a few days as, one we were going to be anchoring for a while and two, we didn’t know where we might find another supermarket on our route.

By 1200, we had finished our chores, had breakfast, recovered our €200 deposit and finally slipped lines at 1215. We raise our sails immediately and in light winds sailed out of the buoyed channel and into the Bay of Olbia. The wind picked up and after a few tacks, past Isola Di Figarolo, we were in open waters and heading towards our anchorage of Porto Palma, in the Maddelena Group of islands.

A distance Olbia and and Capo Figari as we sail away
DilBar, a super yacht, apparently the largest, that we first say whilst Arctura was based in Port Vell, Barcelona

As we approached the Maddalena islands, the wind picked up considerably and after a few long tacks, we sailed into the sheltered waters of Porto Palma. It’s amazing how one minute you are healed over and beating into wind and as soon as you enter the calm, protected waters of the bay, everything becomes, quite, slower and totally peaceful.

We anchored at 1800, in 7.5 metres and as we settled for the night and the sun was setting, I reminisced that this was the first time two years ago, that I spoke to my long lost cousin Krystyna, who entered my life here after 57 years of absence. This place and this exact same spot will always hold a special place in my heart.

Sunset over Porto Palma – remembering my two Krystyna’s

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