More Arctura Preperations and Elaine’s farewell.

Divers arrived early to change the anode on Arctura. Just in time, as there was nothing left of the sacrificial metal.

After the anode change Elaine, Ed and myself walked into town for Elaine’s last day in Cagliari. After a couple of Campari’s we were met by Massimo and tried to get a table in La Schironada, but all was booked due to a public holiday “Liberation Day”. So we went to a local. Burger bar “Popla” for some wonderful Home made Hamburgers.

A Campari Chill Out
Farewell Elaine
A fond Farwell to Elaine at a Fantastic Hamburger ”Popla”

Massimo then kindly took us to the airport and we dropped Elaine of for her flight back to the Sunny U.K. ?⛈

The boys continued the day with a drive and visit to Poetto Beech.

Arba taking a swim ar Poetto Beech

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