
Waking up in Palermo in a lovely marina, ” Si. Ti. Mar Palermo@, only €45 per night for a 46 footer. We walked into town for breakfast, which soon became a walk through the most delightful parts of Palermo including the Cathedral, Churches, Monuments and parks.

We visited , Ballaro market where we bought all our ingredients for spaghetti vongole, which we will have this evening. We stopped in a basic eatery for lunch of seafoods, squids, sardines, anchovies and all the trimmings. All at local prices, but 5 star quality.

I have certainly seem Palermo in a very different light to when I first visited a year ago. Such a vibrant city, full of life and culture and energy. Wonderful and certainly worth a visit for a few days.

Here are some photos and video of our experience

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