Porto Corallo

4th of June 2019.

After a pleasant night at anchor, in this beautiful Cala south of Arbatax, we delighted in breakfast on deck whilst admiring the glorious view.

We weighed anchor at 1047 and headed south to Porto Corallo, some 30nms south. This was one of the few trips that we used the iron maiden more than the sails. There was simply not enough wind. It was strange to have the the engine on for any length of time and was quite irritating compared to the calmness of the wind in the sails and splashing seas. Someone once said that the best sound in the world is when the engine is turned of on a sailboat.

We arrived in Corallo at 1630, and yes we did sail a little. We had been to Corallo two years ago and not much had changed apart the offices had moved from a make shift shack to more up market accommodation. That and the prices had increased. Last time we paid €23 and this time €53. Apart from that all the same. Nothing to do here apart from rest up on a southward journey and visit the solo Pizzeria/Restaurant across the road from the marina. A port of refuge in bad conditions, or if anchoring isn’t achievable, because of swell on this open coats.

View of marina from the new offices
New offices and NEW PRICES
Ristorante Pizzeria S’Allegusta e Sa Cassola

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