Sardinia October 2019

A busy busy day on Sunday. Waking at 0300 and driving to Luton for an early morning flight to Gdansk to return Alex to Poland after his brief visit for a hospital appointment. I returned the same day arriving back at Luton at 2100 and a quick drive back to Esher to unpack and pack again for another early morning flight to Sardinia the following day.

The Alps
The Coast of Corsica
Sardinia – Capo Boi and Solanas Beach

The BA flight was on time and with a 160 mph tail wind which meant that we landed a full half hour early. Ed came to the airport by train to welcome me and we took a taxi back to Marina Sant Elmo.

A quick un packing and by 1330 we were in the Club Sportif for lunch. Wonderful to be back and be able to relax and unwind

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