
We reached Stromboli early afternoon and headed up the western coast. Our intention was to see “Sciara del Fuoco “ a blackened lava scar running down Stromboli’s northern flank. We were not disappointed, the scar is incredible and we witnessed  gas eruptions and using the binoculars managed to see rock and lava being hurtled into the air. Our intention is to return here at night. We sailed on to our anchorage on the north eastern side of the island. We choose  a spot a hundred metres off Spiaggia di Foggia Vecchia beach. There were several yachts here already and more joined throughout the afternoon.

Sciara del Fuoco – The scar of Stromboli clearly visible


At around 22:00 we weighed anchor and set off for our night sail to the norther side of the island and hopefully witness some gas eruptions. We were not disappointed and within minutes we were rewarded with excellent views of lava being thrown high into the air and tumbling down the volcanos steep lava inclines. We watched for hours as every 10 or 15 minutes the lava went spurting Ito the night sky followed by large rumbling explosions. A fantastic firework display, but unfortunately our cameras were not adequate enough to take a decent footage of this awesome display of Nature at work.

Elated and entertained we headed back for our original anchorage and for a goods night rest. Tomorrow the Italian mainland.

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