The arrival of Bill

Today Bill joined us for our voyage of adventure which starts tomorrow.

After unpacking we took a stroll into town and our favourite restaurant “ La Schironada “. And what a fantastic time we had. Great food, Cuttle fish followed by Spaghetti Vongole. All served by some very pleasant Polish girls, Paulina and Maja.

Me, Bill and Ed enjoying the food and wine of Sardinia
Ed, myself and the very pleasant Paulina who served us

After a siesta, we walked the 3.5 kilometres to Massimo and Marta’s flat for a truly fantastic meal of black rice salad starter, followed by the most amazing Sea Bream EVER. A great end to a wonderful first week in Cagliari.

Marta, Massimo, Ed, myself and off course Arba
Massimo, Bill me and Ed and Arba

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