Yaga’s yearly bottom scrub

Yet another early start, this time at 0630. Loads to do. Have to take the tender of the back, wash and dry her and fold her away. Then prepare Yaga for her short single handed trip from Quay Side marina to Drivers boat yard. So tender done, I decided to teat myself to a quick breakfast at “The Yellow Welly” at Shamrock quays.

Back to Yaga and a quick 11 o’clock meeting with Lewis, who is going to undertake the work on Yaga. Nice chap, we’ll wait and see what the work is like.

So single handed spring line prepared and engine in forward, I gently eased out Yaga’s strength and then reversed out whilst bringing in the spring. Crooked the river and then rafted up against a yacht and then finalised perpetration for the lift.

I had lunch arranged with Jacques, a friend, and managed to get away by 1220, leaving Yaga with Gareth at drivers to complete the lift, which was scheduled for 1430.

After a splendid lunch, I drove back to Drivers, just in time to watch her being jet washed. Still plenty left on the sail drive anode, so obviously my hanging anode is doing the trick.

Job done and back to Esher.

Jacques with friend at Banana Wharf
Yaga being jet washed
All done
And now ready to be moved to her new home for four weeks

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